SINGAPORE - Citi Singapore will offer all summer interns full-time analyst roles when they graduate as long as they meet certain minimum requirements, the bank said on Wednesday (April 22).
The initiative, which is aimed at supporting fresh graduates during the pandemic, will benefit 76 interns.
Around 80 per cent are in their penultimate year at local institutes, including the Nanyang Technological University, the National University of Singapore (NUS), the Singapore Management University and the Singapore University of Technology and Design.
The rest are Singaporeans pursuing undergraduate degrees overseas.
They will be attached to one of eight business or technology divisions at Citi Singapore, including banking, capital markets and advisory; Citi Commercial Bank; Citi Private Bank; global consumer banking; and operations and technology.
Citi internships typically begin on June 1 but the programme will be delayed to July 6 and shortened to five weeks due to the pandemic while some parts may be delivered virtually.
The attachment usually lasts for 10 to 12 weeks, depending on the division in which the student is interning.
Human resources head Jorge Osorio said: "We understand that students rely on internships for income, on-the-job skills development and professional networking opportunities.
"Committing to offer a full-time role to all our summer interns in this difficult environment ... is a testament of our commitment to the communities in which we live and work."
Ms Tay Kar Hwee, 24, an NUS undergraduate in electrical and computer engineering, is joining Citi Singapore as a technology intern.
She said: "When Covid-19 hit, several of my schoolmates had their internships withdrawn and I was concerned that it would happen to me, which will affect my job prospects.
"The best news is that we will all be offered a job upon graduation as long the minimum requirements are met."
OCBC also offers internship programmes for aspiring entrepreneurs and undergraduates and post-graduates that give participants the chance to enter the bank's graduate talent programme or get full-time jobs.